‘in life’ or ‘of life’… 費思量

'in life' or 'of life'? 選擇之際......

在將「美在日常」主題句轉譯成英文的過程中,該選擇「in life」或「of life」來傳達「在日常中體驗美」比較適切呢?為此,查閱了一些資料,製表呈現於後(表一)。

在多方考量之後,選擇了「in life」做為美在日常主要標語使用─「在生活中尋找美感,享受美學。To find aesthetics in life and enjoy arts.」

主要原因乃是聚焦於美與生活的相互依存。美是一種生活的經驗,美感經驗是生活經驗的部份或是等同,現今的「經驗」乃是過往生活的有機生成;依此,當下(now and here)經驗方能不斷開展。



表一:in life 和 of life 用法比較
分享者in lifeof life參閱網址
Paul Larkin‘in’ emphasises that the event IS the happiest in your life so far.‘of’ is used when you want to exaggerate the significance of an event. QUORA https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-difference-between-in-my-life-and-of-my-life-in-English
Hans Zwetsloot‘in my life’ looks back to the past‘of my life’ looks at the here and nowQUORA https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-difference-between-in-my-life-and-of-my-life-in-English
Southeastern“In my life” looks at your life like it’s a timeline. Each event that happened in your life is on that timeline.“Of my life” means that some situation or some circumstance belongs to your life.  HiNative https://tw.hinative.com/questions/21933031  
la_morena(in my life) to talk about something happened in it(of my life ) to talk about something related to your lifeHiNative https://hinative.com/questions/4249906  
Gary‘In’ in this case means ‘part of’‘Of’ means ‘relating to’.italki https://www.italki.com/zh-tw/post/question-394369

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